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VRNexus is a multiplayer social gaming and live events platform built to empower global brands and premiumcontent creators to create immersive 'real-time' consumer experiences inside virtual worlds.
Using an array of cutting edge, proprietary technology the platform empowers clients to render interactive,virtual live events for global audiences and to monetize these events in new ways using solutions that are atthe forefront of the global technology landscape.
The platform tech stack consists of a suite of technology modules that interoperate to produce a high quality,multiplayer user experience that is social, live and immersive with the pinnacle goal of maximising theauthenticity of human presence within digital space.
The platform is accessible as a browser based experiece, a Windows game play experience and as a socialVR experience.
The platform is designed to facilitate hybrid live events that can function and create remarkable userexperience in digital space and and in real life simultaneously.
The live experience features of the platform combine with an elegant blockchain smart contract network andeature set to create new ways for brands and content creators to render digital content and engage with fansthereby offering new revenue streams and business models inside the metaverse.