The virtual worid of 5th Dimension wil be one of the first user generated metaverse environments built by ateam of world class game designers and 3D artists. Other similar platforms give users the power to buildtheir own virtual real estate using simple tools that often produce sub-par results that do litle to enrich andadd to the user experience enjoyed by the core community members who use the platform. VRNexus solvesthis problem by creating a scalable solution for community driven world building that aims to constantlyenrich the quality of user experience available on the VRNexus platform.
When a community member wants to 'build' a new venue in the VRNexus game world, they first apply to VRNexus DAO by submitting an application form via our website. Following the submission, the DAO either approvesor denies the application based on its merits. DAO determines a go-live date for the venue based on itsscale and complexity.
New places in the VRNexus game world are defined as 'venues'. Venues are primarily used to activate liveevents which form the core of user experience for consumers inside the VRNexus game worid and in thefuture will be used as part of the gameplay experience (quests, missions, easter egg hunts) activated in the VRNexus Virtual World. We do not allow nation states, political organisations or military organisations to ownvenues within 5th Dimension and public real development applications from these types of organisationsare automatically disqualified.
Location NFTs and Venue Staking Pools are intended to create a way for users to finance or invest in andown the public realm (venues) inside the virtual world of 5th Dimension.
Once the application is approved and a go-live date for the venue is set, a staking pool will be launched tohelp 'finance' the development of the venue. Staking pools may only be funded using VRS or NFTs bought on the VRNexus marketplace.
Last updated